Our Mission
The mission of International Promise Foundation (IPF) is to provide assistance internationally in fulfilling the biblical instructions of our Lord Jesus Christ as outlined in James 1:27…”look after the orphans and widows in their distress.” Our hope is to serve God’s Kingdom to the best of our ability for generations to come.

Children in Our Care
There are currently 427 children, ages 4-22, who call the Samaritan Children’s Home, their home. Roughly 15% of these children are orphans who have arrived in our care out of desperation. 85% of the children are from families where the loss of a parents, sickness, or extreme poverty brought them our way.

Faith and Education
Our school begins with our playgroup (preschool) all the way through students living at the Joy Hostel campus and studying at the University level. All children are learning about the love of Jesus through nightly chapel and Sunday Church service.

Nutrition Meals and Healthcare
Children are served three meals a day plus two snacks. Meals are made fresh by our kitchen staff and served family style. Children receive a balanced diet of vegetables, rice, lentils, poultry, sh, and eggs. Our medical clinic serves the needs of our children along with staff and the local community.

Staff and Members
The Children’s Home is also home to 81 staff members and their families. Over half our staff lives on campus, choosing to not only work with our children daily but to live with them! Eleven of these staff members were once children in our home and have now returned to give back to the place they so deeply love. From Administration, teachers, cooks, guards, groundskeepers, and matrons, our home thrives thanks to these selfess individuals.

Click to hear the sponsorship
story of Michelle and Nazma

Six years ago at an IPF banquet is when we first saw our sweet Rheka’s picture. Her big eyes staring back at us. We had just had our first son. We immediately wanted to help make a difference in her life and boy oh boy has she impacted ours! We are trying to teach our 3 young boys that this world is so much bigger than us. We are navigating answering questions the boys have about Rheka, the children’s home, and the country of Bangladesh.
– Justin & Rachael Reimink

IPF has been a wonderful experience for our family. Getting to know the child we sponsor, Chandon, through letters and pictures has been made an impact on each member of our family. We are blessed to be a part of the IPF family!
– The Rossiter family

© International Promise Foundation 2020
Contact Us
International Promise Foundation
PO Box 97
Byron Center, MI. 49315