Meet our Leadership Team & Board
Leadership Team

Jenna Kape
Executive Director IPF
My name is Jenna Kape and it is an honor to have the privilege of directing International Promise Foundation. I made my first trip to Bangladesh when I was just a freshman in high school. My mother can remember me calling home with so much excitement and passion, she was certain I was bringing a child home with me. I believe it was during this trip that God planted the seed for me to one day hold my current position.
After this first trip I went on to pursue a degree in Early Childhood Development and Business Communications. Shortly after I married my husband, Jacob, we spent several years traveling as he was enlisted in the United States Army. Once we began a family of our own, we planted roots back in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I continued working for local organizations as a Child Development Director before finally pursing my dream in non-profit fundraising. Through a chain of only what could be called “God-driven-circumstances” the idea of forming a non-profit organization that would be 100% underwritten to generate more support for children in Bangladesh was formed.
Since starting my role as director, I look forward to our yearly visit to the Children’s Home more than words can say. It is my heart’s deepest desire to see all our children loved and supported through our sponsorship program, not only because it changes their lives, but to see the lives of our sponsor families transformed as well. It is amazing what God can do through the simplicity of child sponsorships. We have witnessed chains of poverty broken, generations of children freed from sickness, trafficking, malnourishment, and the list continues. Above all else, we have seen and heard the name of Jesus declared loudly over the lives of thousands who would otherwise never had the opportunity to know Him and receive His grace.
It is an honor to work for International Promise Foundation and support the partnership with H.E.L.P. Bangladesh. It is of the upmost importance to me that IPF remains an organization that is Christ-centered, financially transparent, and always engaged in prayer! I could not be more proud of this family of generous givers!

David Halder
Executive Director HELP Bangladesh
Many people gathered to hear the Gospel. My father and uncle were farmers, growing our food for our family needs. We all went to the local Mission School and then went to the college in a different town. We all had a very bitter experience when the Liberation War started with East Pakistan and West Pakistan in 1971. Finally, East Pakistan won the War and became a new nation called Bangladesh. After the liberation, I moved to Dhaka city for higher studies and stayed in a Christian Hostel where I met a British Missionary and with his spiritual help, I came to the Lord in 1974.
I joined a Bible Study group where I met Namita, my wife. We both became leaders of the group, but we felt that we need to go to a Bible College. God graciously opened a door for us to go to a Bible College in Melbourne, Australia in 1979. We graduated after 3 years of study with a major in World Mission. I found a part time job in Australia and completed my University degree.
I was called from the Lord to join with the Mission called Gospel Recordings. After two and a half years training in Sydney, we felt the Lord wanted us to go back to Bangladesh. So we returned in 1985 and established a small Mission named LRI Bangladesh (Language Recording International). As I continued working with LRI and distributing Gospel messages I felt I could do more for the suffering people beyond the Gospel distribution ministry. I shared and prayed this with Namita, and we both agreed to serve the distressed and adolescent children by establishing an orphanage, help in educating them. and see their smiling faces and joyful hearts. The dream came true in 1990, and we both are happy to serve the Lord with these children, as we became the parents of 475 kids.
I was born in May 10th 1956 in a Southern part of Bangladesh. It is almost 300 Kilometer from Dhaka. I am one of the 11 kids of my parents, grown up with another 7 cousins in a joint family of my Uncle. My father was an evangelist and going around in the country with a team to have group meetings where they sing and pray.
Many people gathered to hear the Gospel. My father and uncle were farmers, growing our food for our family needs. We all went to the local Mission School and then went to the college in a different town. We all had a very bitter experience when the Liberation War started with East Pakistan and West Pakistan in 1971. Finally, East Pakistan won the War and became a new nation called Bangladesh. After the liberation, I moved to Dhaka city for higher studies and stayed in a Christian Hostel where I met a British Missionary and with his spiritual help, I came to the Lord in 1974.
I joined a Bible Study group where I met Namita, my wife. We both became leaders of the group, but we felt that we need to go to a Bible College. God graciously opened a door for us to go to a Bible College in Melbourne, Australia in 1979. We graduated after 3 years of study with a major in World Mission. I found a part time job in Australia and completed my University degree.
I was called from the Lord to join with the Mission called Gospel Recordings. After two and a half years training in Sydney, we felt the Lord wanted us to go back to Bangladesh. So we returned in 1985 and established a small Mission named LRI Bangladesh (Language Recording International). As I continued working with LRI and distributing Gospel messages I felt I could do more for the suffering people beyond the Gospel distribution ministry. I shared and prayed this with Namita, and we both agreed to serve the distressed and adolescent children by establishing an orphanage, help in educating them. and see their smiling faces and joyful hearts. The dream came true in 1990, and we both are happy to serve the Lord with these children, as we became the parents of 475 kids.

Richard Halder
Associate Director HELP Bangladesh
I am Richard Niloy Halder and I have joined HELP Bangladesh in July 2022 with the role of Associate Director. I am humbled and grateful to the Lord and the Board of Directors for giving me the opportunity to serve the Lord by supporting the orphan children at HELP Bangladesh’s Samaritan Children Home.
Academically I graduated from BRAC University majoring in both Finance and Accounting; and later completed my post-graduation from North South University majoring in Management. As I have grown up with a very strong Christian ideology in my family, I have always wanted to build my career for Lord’s glory through serving and supporting the underprivileged community.
Previously, I had the opportunity to work with an international charity called “Justice and Care” as the Head of Finance, HR and Administration for over 6 years, where the goal was to fight against modern slavery by rescuing trafficked Bangladeshi victims from India, facilitate repatriation of the victims, providing them empowerment support for reintegrating with the community by starting income generating activity and finally providing legal assistance to the victims bi-lateral cases. During my work duration at JC, we were able to rescue over 500 Bangladeshi women and children who were trafficked to India and forced into modern slavery. Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege of managing grants from some of the most renowned donor agencies worldwide, including Global Fund, UNICEF, NORAD, DFID, Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) and various individual donors. It’s worth noting that, even at the age of 32, I was entrusted with significant responsibilities within the realm of international charity work giving me the opportunity to grow and learn.
In 2022, I got married to Athena, my loving wife who has completed her graduation and is currently working for one of the largest local Export-Import companies of our country.
I have seen David from my childhood how he has been supporting the boys and girls at Samaritan Children Home by providing them all the needs to transform as a contributing member of the society. And now becoming a part of that journey is truly a blessing for me. I am deeply grateful to be a part of HELP Bangladesh, where I got the opportunity to serve over 400 orphaned children with love and dedication along with nearabout 80 staff members. This journey feels like a divine calling, where I witness God’s grace daily. Our mission at HELP Bangladesh encompasses education, nutrition, accommodation, and leadership skill development for these children, aiming for their holistic betterment. This endeavor wouldn’t be possible without the support of our donor partners and well wishers, and I ask for your continued prayers and assistance as we strive to make a profound difference in the lives of these precious children.
Board of Directors

Fred and Julie Spica
We are Fred and Julie Spica of Caledonia MI and we are honored to be involved with the Children’s Home in Bangladesh and on the board of IPF. Fred has many previous years of business experience and entrepreneurship. He was co-owner of the Bun Baskets Bakeries with his brother Robert, and they are currently partners in Spica Properties. For the past 25 years we both have had the privilege of being on the board of directors of numerous nonprofit organizations. Julie has served in a leadership role in Bible Study Fellowship and worked as a counselor at Pregnancy Resource Center. We both have a passion for caring for underprivileged children both spiritually and physically and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We began financially supporting the Samaritan Children’s Home in 1998 but God tugged on our hearts to follow our money and see first-hand the ministry in Bangladesh we had invested in. (Fred would tell you he was not in favor of going at first…he comes from a business mindset and it made more sense to send over the money it would cost us to fly. He however reluctantly agreed. In the year 2000 we went on our first trip. What we saw and experienced completely captured our hearts forever. The joy and happiness on the children’s faces, even though they had so little, was something we just had to share with others. In 2003, we took our grown children and extended family to the Children’s Home. Our world was rocked. This became the new purpose and adventure God had for us. (Who would have thought we would go from baking buns to feeding orphans?) We discovered the incredible joy it was to be a very small part of the great work God was doing in Bangladesh. Praise God, we have now made 17 trips to the Children’s Home.
Fred and I have 3 adult children, married to wonderful spouses, all who love and serve the Lord. We also are blessed to have 9 grandchildren, ages 4-16. We both committed our lives to the Lord many years ago (1986 and 1962) and since then have seen God move in incredible ways in our lives. We have been attending and involved in ministry at Resurrection Life Church in Grandville for 11 years.

Jacob Kape
My name is Jacob Kape and I currently serve as a member of the IPF Board. I spent years hearing about and supporting a sponsor child through my wife, Jenna. However, it wasn’t until my first trip to the Children’s Home in 2014 that my world was changed. I have since visited 6 times and tell everyone, “If there is a plane going, I’ll be on it!”
I am honored to be a member of this board and I try to bring my years of experience with the children to give the best advice for their needs while in our care.

Diane Christianson
I am Diane Christianson. I am recently retired as a tax manager at a CPA firm for 35 plus years. I have been the accountant for IPF since its inception. I bring my expertise in dealing with nonprofit organizations and assist in keeping IPF compliant with all the government regulations and requirements for nonprofit organizations.
In my retirement, I use my accounting experience to assist my church and my passion is teaching and discipling adults to help them grow in their walk with the Lord. I love to learn, read, snuggle with my dog Freckles and enjoy traveling, especially day trips to explore the beautiful state of Michigan.

Father Loc Trinh
My name is Loc Trinh and I am an ordained Catholic priest. I have been a priest for 28 years and I am currently serving Holy Family Parish in Caledonia Michigan.
I was invited to serve on IPF Board as a spiritual guide to help us stay true to IPF’s mission and its values. I went on my first trip to Bangladesh in November 2018 and loved every minute of it. I felt blessed being there experiencing the joy that the children exuded during my visit. I am looking forward to the next visit.
In my spare time I enjoy traveling, playing Pickleball, tennis, golf, hiking, and walking on the beach. I love trying different foods and enjoy gathering with family and friends.

Troy and Allison Wiers
We are Troy and Allison Wiers! We have been married since 2004 and are the proud parents of 3 children – Ryan, Austin, and Lexi. We love to spend our time with our family and friends, and you can often find us camping, fishing, golfing or attending various sporting events. Between work, church, school, and play, life is definitely busy… but we love running around like crazy people and wouldn’t have it any other way!
My name is Troy Wiers and I am currently working as a Global Compensation Manager in the Human Resources department at Amway. I’ve spent the last 23 years in various business roles for Amway and Meijer. In my work and personal life, I strive to take a balanced perspective to all decisions, and with God’s guidance will also try to consider all sides of an issue to provide the best input to decisions being made for the IPF organization. I also look forward to bringing experiences from the 3 other non-profit organizations for which I have served.
My name is Allison Wiers and I am currently working as the Development Associate at South Christian High School and as an Administrative Assistant at Kent Butchers’ Supply. It’s amazing to see how God works and being introduced to IPF through the Kape’s has been a life-changing experience! Our kids have developed a love for children at the home, especially the ones we sponsor. I am hoping I will have the opportunity to travel to the home soon, so I can see in person all the children that have impacted our lives.
We feel privileged to have been asked to be members of the IPF board. Our family has sponsored kids at the Children’s home through IPF, and we currently sponsor 3 children; Kheya, Nipu, and Johnson. Troy and Ryan had the opportunity to visit the Children’s home in November 2019. It was a true blessing to see how God is working at the home. It will definitely be the first trip of many to see our friends and brothers and sisters in Christ in Bangladesh!

Rob and Beth Spica
Hello! We are Robert and Beth Spica and we are co-owners of Spica Properties and founding members of International Promise Foundation. We established IPF along with Fred and Julie Spica as we strongly believed there was indeed a better way to serve God’s children in Bangladesh with funding and sponsorships. We believe our years of experience in business and development allow us great insight to advise on this board to the best of our ability.
We have been married for 38 years and are blessed with 4, now adult children. Perhaps our greatest joy in life is our 9 amazing grandchildren. They not only fill our home with love and laughter, but we believe they are keeping us young! We do not consider ourselves retired just yet as we have spent the last 10 years developing a gated community living project in San Pedro, Belize. We love nothing more than sharing our time with our family and friends.
We have sponsored children through HELP Bangladesh since 2004 and made many, many trips to visit the home (we lost count after 12). We currently have three older sponsor children, Ringku, Soshi, and Bappi. It is so wonderful to now watch as each of our grandchildren become older and visit SCH for the first time; the awe is incomparable to anything else. IPF has quickly become one of our greatest ventures as God continues to amaze us in every growing year.

Don and Lisa Ziemke
Greetings! We are Don and Lisa Ziemke. I, Don, am the president and owner of Great Lakes Convenience, Inc., which operates a couple of convenience stores with gas, food services and also a meat market/growler station. My wife Lisa is a retired IT consultant who now spends her time volunteering for Hospice of Michigan and Kids Food Basket. We bring to IPF 35 years of experience in business, building and accounting as well as our desire to be servants of God. I have served on the Grand Rapids Catholic Central Development Board and Holy Family Councils. We are active members of Holy Family Catholic Church where I am part of the Knights of Columbus.
We have been involved with IPF for almost two decades with child sponsorship, in projects for IPF and numerous trips on behalf of IPF to Bangladesh including ones with our children. A big part of our purpose in life is paying it forward, leading by example, and helping others, especially the Children’s Home through IPF.
Lisa and I have been happily married for 34 years and have been blessed with three adult children. In our spare time you can find our family enjoying a round of golf, water skiing and doing almost any other outdoor activity we can do here in Michigan. We love to travel and are looking forward to visiting the Children’s Home again soon.
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Matt and Amy Bertotti
Hi there! We are Matt and Amy Bertotti. We have been married since 2006 and have 4 wonderful kiddos~ Adeline, Amelia, Ava, and Christian. Matt is the Director of Business Development at United Utility Supply and Amy is the Director of Utilization Management at Priority Health. As a family we love to spend time outdoors, especially in the summertime in Michigan. You will often find us on the shores of Lake Michigan boating or relaxing on the white sandy beaches.
We became involved with IPF in 2022 when Amy and Adeline took their first trip to the Children’s home. One step on the property and we fell in love with the staff and children and now sponsor two children! Amy plans to use her medical background as a Registered Nurse to provide guidance and advice to the Children’s home by serving on the IPF board!

© International Promise Foundation 2020
Contact Us
International Promise Foundation
PO Box 97
Byron Center, MI. 49315